I then backed the adjustment rod off 1 mm. I made sure there was 1 inch of free play (an inch of free movement in the pedal before the clutch would engage) and test-drove the car. I had the customer get in the car and feel the pedal. He then exclaimed, “That’s how it used to feel.”
FiTech offered to perform the swap at their shop in Riverside, California. This also required an aftermarket fuel tank to accommodate the necessary in-tank fuel pump assembly. This almost required as much effort as the intake manifold swap since this IRS-equipped Tri-Five was anything but stock out back, but the conversion went smoothly and very soon the ’56 hit the streets for some simple tuning. That’s when disaster struck. For reasons still not entirely clear, the 502 suffered a rod bearing failure that required a complete rebuild. Chevy 502s come with aluminum production rod and main bearings that sometimes are a bit unforgiving. If the crank hits a main bearing for whatever reason, the debris peeled from the mains usually end up in the rod bearings that then quickly fail. The project was delayed for several months while the engine went through a complete rebuild. Once the crank was massaged and the engine builder reassembled the 502 with most of its original parts, the swap could continue. The engine was initially run on a test stand with a single four-barrel carburetor to check for leaks and proper behavior before the 2×4 FiTech system was again installed.
It sounds great, doesn’t it? Guess what? No matter what level rider you are, the clutch won’t stand the test of time. Stiffer springs will help, but the real fix is a complete Hinson or Rekluse clutch (which will cost around a grand). The rigid aluminum chassis is very busy under the load of the added horsepower. The forks are mediocre. Finding good balance between the front and rear can become a full-time job, especially as the track changes over the course of a day. The 2017–2019 chassis is very hard to find a comfortable setting on. This has a lot to do with the Honda engineers’ selection of the Showa fork valving, chassis rigidity, shock linkage rising rate, borderline front-end geometry and stinkbug stance. The CRF450 is fun, fast and exciting. It is heavy at 238 pounds but feels light in the air. On the downside, control is hard to come by on a bike that is loose on exit, prone to breaking the rear loose on corner exit and needs 108mm of race sag (and the forks slid down in the clamps) to bring it into balance. Full test of the 2019 Honda CRF450.
As with all research projects, it’s unclear if Delta’s super-fast new charging technology will prove to be commercially viable. But a faster charging station is definitely needed to keep pace with electric-car development.
While Kostura admitted that he perhaps should have driven his gas 2018 Colorado ZR2 with 2,700 miles on the clock more slowly, he said the trail seemed fairly mild, particularly in the section where the airbags deployed. He guesses that was only about a six to seven degree incline.
Shifting over to the 4L60E side, the main advantage of this transmission is that electronics eliminate the need for a TV cable and that whirling dervish of weights and springs to establish shift control. In the case of a retro-fitted 4L60E, a swapper will need the service of a separate transmission controller. Here is where both the main advantage and disadvantage of the electronic transmission reside. Separate controllers obviously add significantly to the overall transmission cost.
Together with its twin, this truck has once been recalled so that their power steering defect could be fixed. This light duty truck comes with a faulty electric power steering assist that could lead to temporary loss and sudden return of the system.
The demand and supply gap in electricity is one of the major reasons resulting in high usage of diesel gensets in Philippines. The growth of transportation infrastructure in Manila and Luzon islands of Philippines along with increase in the electricity demand, especially from the commercial and industrial sectors would further increase the demand for diesel gensets as an auxiliary source of power over the coming years.
As I sat contemplating what I was going to write about, a longtime customer walked through the door and asked me if I could take a look at his clutch pedal.
While the machine’s we saw were still in the prototype phase, Deutz plans to start manufacturing modular hybrid drives in 2019 and selling hybrids and all-electric products by 2020, says Dr. Frank Hiller, Deutz’s CEO. By 2022-2023 Hiller says the company anticipates hybrids and electric drive units will account for 5-to 10-percent of the company’s revenue. Since the company projects sales above 200,000 engines by 2022, that could mean anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 electrified machines in the market running on E-Deutz systems in the next few years.
ABS can turn into a liability as well in super low traction situations, although when you reach that point, I’d more so question whether the tires were right for the situation, or whether it’s even safe at all to be driving on the road in the first place (ice storm or the like).
With the FiTech eight-barrel system installed, the engine fired right away with some basic tuning parameters downloaded. You may notice that the vacuum advance canister is blocked in this photo. Later, it was connected to ported vacuum on the front throttle body to allow vacuum advance.
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